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  • Feb 2008 - Believe it or not - the translation of all Eastern Europe related stuff into English has finally been accomplished. Litauen, Polen, Slowakei, Montenegro and Albanien - all available now in English. Including many new destinations in those countries and in Serbien. Also added another reiseberichte (#7, Serbien, Kosovo, Albanien, Montenegro). Oh, and I switched to a CMS, which means that this site will soon be available in a unified design.
  • May 2007 - The translation of the Eastern Europe section is slowly progressing. Belarus, Estland and Lettland have been completed recently. Litauen, Polen, Slowakei and Albanien will follow. Check in occasionally - it's worth having a look! [LINK]
  • Mar 2007 - Migrated the entire English part on Eastern Europe to a new domain - The German and Japanese part and English pages that are not about Eastern Europe remain on the main site
  • 1 Jan 2007 - My daughter Alia was born. My life has a new meaning now...
  • Aug 2005 - Permanently moved to Japan. For 5 years? For decades? Forever? No idea so far.
  • Jun 2005 - At last! The English version of the Balkan website, including extensive fact sheets about Bulgarien, Rumänien, Mazedonien, Serbien + Montenegro, Bosnien + Hercegovina, Kroatien, Slowenien, Ungarn, Moldau and Transdniestr and separate pages about 55 destinations, is ready! That was a good deal of work! [LINK].
  • Oct 2004 - Tabibito's odyssey through the Middle East. An extensive reiseberichte about a trip to Israel, Jordan and Egypt in the year 2000 with a chaotic end. [LINK].
  • Oct 2004 - Travelling the Ukraine: Loads of info on the Ukraine itself, how to travel and where to stay, a long reiseberichte and introduction of seven destinations in the country. [LINK]
  • Sep 2004 - Tabibito introduces the Tschechien. All about the geschichte, politics, food and drinks, travel hints and many destinations all over the country incl. numerous pictures. [LINK]
  • Aug 2004 - Laos reiseberichte. A rather long report about a tour through Laos in 1998, three years after the country allowed first visitors. Includes background information and many pictures. [LINK]


